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Why read 1000 books?

The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program is based on a simple but powerful fact: children who are read to at home early and frequently are better prepared for school and continue to do well throughout their academic career. 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is a fun way to help prepare your child for learning to read on their own in Kindergarten. Every book you read (yes, repeats count!) gets your child one step closer to school success. As your child’s first teacher, you play an important role in their reading journey!

1000 books?! You got this!

If you read just one book a night to your child, you’ll have already read 1,095 books in three years! It doesn’t matter if your child is a baby or a toddler - there’s no better time to start than now.


Remember, 1000 is just a number. Whether you read 100 or 1000, your child will treasure those minutes spent with you. The goal is to work reading aloud into your regular routine, and let the magic of stories do the rest!

Your library wants to help! 

Your library is the place to start if you're ready to take the first step on your child's reading journey. We recommend using Beanstack, our online reading tracker, to keep track of your progress.

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 to get started:

  1. Head to or download the Beanstack Tracker app

  2. Create an account. All readers in a family can be setup under one account!

  3. Join the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge and start tracking!


Tip: If you’re using the app, you can scan the barcode on the back of any book for quicker logging, no typing needed!


We also have paper reading logs you can use to track your progress if you prefer.

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Ready to begin?

Let’s go!


Any child who hasn’t started kindergarten is ready to participate! Grab your library card, grab some books, and get started today!

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