We value the partnerships we are able to create with organizations both locally in our community and broadly throughout the state of Georgia. Explore each of our partnerships below,
and click the buttons to learn more!
NEW! We all know the power of reading in early literacy development. Fairy and folktales provide important benefits to young children, including helping them to develop emotional resiliency, critical thinking skills, and exposing children to different cultures. Thanks to Get Georgia Reading partners at
August House Publishers, families, communities, and classrooms throughout Georgia have free access to award-winning folktales. Usually a $49.95 annual subscription, go to and subscribe for free! Use the coupon code getgeorgiareading
More than 1 in 3 children arrive in Kindergarten without the skills necessary for lifetime learning. The Barrow Literacy Partnership is a collaborative partnership that aims to increase early literacy development and school readiness of children 5 and under in Barrow County. The Piedmont Regional Library System is a co-founder of this innovative program.
Two-thirds of Georgia’s third-graders are not reading on grade level. Get Georgia Reading Campaign partners are rallying people, organizations, and communities to help all children in Georgia become proficient readers by the end of third grade. We are proud to support this campaign! Both Barrow and Jackson counties are Get Georgia Reading Communities.
The Georgia Farm Bureau provides a new Agriculture-based title to our collections each month, and frequently partners with us to provide fun storytimes using these titles. Parents can continue the lessons at home using free resources through Georgia Farm Bureau, including book recommendations, activities and contests. They also offer the Farm Passport, your guide to discover Georgia, support local farms and experience fresh food. The 2024 Farm Passport season is in full swing! Visit any participating farm to pick up your passport and begin your journey.
Georgia Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled provides personal library services for individuals who are blind and to those whose physical abilities require the use of books and magazines in audio format or in braille. Available items include recorded and braille books, magazines, music, equipment and accessories. Any of our libraries can sign you up for this amazing service!

Friends of the Library groups are composed of volunteers that support their local library branches. Membership is open to all. These charitable organizations support their libraries by fundraising, raising awareness of library services in the community, and providing hands-on volunteering opportunities. If you want to know more about a library's Friends group, contact the library directly!